Tropical Fish |
Tropical Fish
Keeping fish is one of the most rewarding hobbies a person can have, which is proven by millions of people across America who have fish in their homes.
Being able to watch fish move through its aquatic world has been proven to reduce stress.
If you are interested in having spectacular and interesting fish, the best group of fish to keep are tropical fish.
What better fish to choose than the most colorful and unique?
In this article we will look at the most popular tropical fish, and what to do to take care of each of them.
What is a tropical fish?
Tropical fish are those that live between 74–80 ° F, but they can come from both saltwater or freshwater. They are often the brightest color, thanks to the pigmented and iridescent cells on their skin.
Read more: Tropical Fish - Tropical Fish: The Ultimate AZ List
Although they all started as a wild species, many are now tied to captive specimens and that means more colors are available.
Let's take a look at some of the most popular tropical fish that are available for your tanks.
Tropical freshwater fish
1. Angry
One of the most famous freshwater fishes are Angelfish.
These Cichlids have the most unique body shape and are larger than most people.
One of the most famous freshwater fishes are Angelfish.
These Cichlids have the most unique body shape and are larger than most people.
Barbers are energetic fish that school in groups of at least 5 and cannot be kept with slow or weak tank mates because they can be quite careless. They are suitable for beginners and beginners possessing tropical fish.
Many varieties are available, such as Tiger Barbs and Black Ruby Barbs.
4. Betta
These aggressive and intelligent fishes are one of the most beautiful fishes, ready for their long colored tail feathers. Female feathers are less dominant but can be placed in groups called toratitis. However, men should be kept alone.
Bates can recognize their owners and can be trained to perform tricks, making them one of the most interesting fish to keep.
5. Black Ghost Knife
These curious looking fish are one of the most attractive species that you can keep in the home aquarium. This is because nymphfish are nocturnal and use electroallocation to navigate the tank.
It is best to experience something before placing this fish.
To keep them, a tropical fish tank that is at least 100 gallons.
They will eat live or frozen foods, such as salted shrimp and bloodborne.
6. Featured
Cichlids can be one of the most rewarding fish to keep with amazing patterns and so many different sizes.
Remember though, they can be aggressive towards other fish but make great species only tanks because they are intelligent and active.
7. Wearing a Kilt
Growing up to a foot tall, these peaceful downstairs residents are active members of the community aquarium and bring with them a bright splash of color.
They are schooling and need a large tank that is a minimum of 100 gallons, with plenty of space hidden between rocks and plants.
8. Corey Catfish
Most Corey catfish are hardy, peaceful and adorable bottom dwellers who love to socialize and clean the sediment in the tank.
There are over 160 species, with the most popular ones being the Peppard, Sturbai and Emerald Corey catfish. Most are great tropical fish for beginners, but some are fussy and would be better for experienced aquarists.
9. Discus
Discus are a group of Kichlids from South America who are loved for their incredible shapes and colors.
They have some of the most exciting variations, but they can be difficult to keep, making them a dream tropical fish for many advanced aquarists.
The discus requires at least 50 gallons and vertical drift to make them feel comfortable.
10. Gaurmi
These peaceful community fishes have some intense colors and love to roam with a friend, so it is necessary to keep them in pairs. A well planted tropical fish tank and a flaky diet will keep them happy.
Dwarf, Pearl and Kisses Gourami: There are many sizes and colors of Gourami species, eg.
11. Gappa
Gappas are the perfect early fish that come in a large variety of colors with a peaceful nature. They are living carriers who live in large schools and will eat almost everything.
Endlers Guppies are hybrids of both a guppy and a small andler fish. They have intense dyeing and do well in nano tanks.
12. Pictus Catfish
These unique tropical fish are easy to care for in a large tank, where they will be active and entertaining to watch. Pictus catfish have long barbells and spines on their pectoral fins that require care to prevent breaking.
They come from South American rivers, so love a tank, drift and a good water flow with rocks.
13. Plateaus and swords
These two popular groups of fish come from the same family (Xiphophorus) and both are easy to keep. They come in bright reds and blues as well as black and white varieties.
A well planted tank will make it easier to keep and breed these fish.
14. Rainbow Shark
These aggressive and regional fish are for the more experienced fish keepers.
They have an attractive appearance (even though they are not real sharks) and are active in the aquarium which makes them great entertainers.
When they are introduced into an aquarium, they should be added to the last as this will help reduce their aggression.
15. Rainbow
These amazing fish are highly sought after due to their amazing colors and peaceful nature.
They are great in community tanks because they bring energy and brighten the tank. These fish can live in tanks as small as 10 gallons, but prefer large, planted aquariums.
16. tetras
These beautiful schooling fish come in many different varieties, the most popular of which is neon, glowlight. And Black Phantom.
But there are many more varieties to choose from.
They are sensitive to water changes, but this does not make them a bad start fish. Provided they are in an aquarium fitted in a shovel of at least six, they should be fine.
Tropical saltwater fish
17. Blizzard
Blennies are intelligent and complex fish that require sediment and lots of food in reward for being an active and hardy fish. They often become the favorite tropical fish of the community setup due to their inquisitive nature and great facial expressions.
18. Butterflyfish
Butterflyfish are one of the more iconic saltwater fishes, which are end-colored and have a variety of wing shapes. Many have long noses, which they use to feed between rocks, while others only eat coral polyps, making them expensive fish to keep.
They require at least 75 gallons because they are active, and rotating tanks are part of their attraction.
Most varieties however are difficult to keep, so they are recommended only to experienced tropical fish keepers.
19. Cardinalfish
One of the most curious and beautiful looking fishes, these nocturnal hunters are peaceful and easy to add to new aquariums. There are two popular species: Pajama cardinfish and Bangai cardinfish.
Bangai is more prone to extinction than collection on cardinfish, so make sure you only buy captive breed specimens.
20. Chromis
The most peaceful dumfelish available, chromis are energetic fish with shimmering lakes suitable for reef. They are also very adventurous, although they are carnivores that need to be fed several times a day.
They require a minimum tank size of 30 gallons and must be in a fathom of at least 6.
21. Clownfish
No sea fish list would be complete without mentioning clownfish.
They are generally best known as marine fish beginning fish, both for their favorable nature and ability to live with 10 gallons in tanks.
Larger tanks are easier to manage, but they can also be kept in smaller tanks.
22. Dumflish
There are more than 250 species of these incredible fish, such as the 12-inch Garibaldi or the stunning Sapphire Sapphire Delfish. Variation means that each species has its own requirements, but all are territorial, so they must be combined with larger fishes that will keep them in place if they are too aggressive.
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