Red Zebra Cichlid

Red Zebra Cichlid Maylandia estherae (formerly Pseudotropheus estherae) is a very beautiful and desirable Red Zebra Cichlid. The male and female colorways look great, almost looking like two different types. In adult deer there is a blue light, while females can range from the price of brown to reddish brown and have nothing of a definite breadth. This is also one of only a handful of Mbuna species that produce integrated color conversion.

Red Zebra Cichlid
Red Zebra Cichlid

Red Zebra Cichlid

This is a african cichlids of a zebra-type group called Mbunas. There are 13 genera that are full of the highly active and aggressive personality of Mbuna cichlids. The name Mbuna comes from the Tonga people of Malawi and means "rockfish" or "habitat". The name best describes the environment in which these fish live, and they can swim in open water such as the Utaka cucids and other "boats".

Read more: How Do You Choose The Best Red Zebra Cichlid on

This cichlid has a history of anxiety and difficulty in being known and loved. It was originally considered a species of Zebra Cichlid Pseudotropheus zebra. It was known as the Orange Blue Mouth Breeder and is described as a Pseudotropheus spec. e.g. zebra. 

It was eventually described as its genus, Pseudotropheus estherae, by Konings in 1995. A recent update on the genus Pseudotropheus has created a new identity challenge. All Zebra-type cichlids are transferred to their range and both Maylandia estherae and Metriaclima estherae are recognized for this peacock cichlid. However, the Red Zebra is considered to be as active as the Maylandia estherae and is also called Esther Grant's Zebra.

When he first launched the hobby this was a very popular Mbuna, and then it just slowed down. But today it has regained its status as one of Africa's best-known Cichlids. Most of the captured herbs found in the recreation area have been called for certain color lines on fish farms in Florida. This has led to orange males and many other types of unusual colors.

There are many types of kidnapping available. This includes males with a dark blue "blue" cone with a specific curvature. Females of the “reddish-brown” type can be orange / red with no upward-facing bars, and there is an albino type. Females can be yellow, orange, or orange with dark colors. Common names are based on the patterns of their colors and the most popular varieties include the newly formed Cherry Red Zebra and Super Red Zebra.

This is a great fish for all medium and experienced african cichlids riders. Only a powerful cichlid is aggressive in comparison to other Mbuna, but still not a public indicator, It cannot be stored with fish without peacock cichlid. This species easily encounters prepared foods, is very easy to breed, and children are very easy to raise.

For aquarists who are willing to make regular water changes and provide the right amount of tank, the Red Zebra is easy to maintain. But jewelry made from many hiding places is required for success. To accommodate one male and two or three females, a 55-gallon tank is recommended for 48 lengths. A larger tank will be needed to keep the Mbuna tank mixed.

Accommodation: Distribution / Backyard for Red Zebra Cichlid

The Red Zebra Maylandia estherae (formerly Pseudotropheus estherae) was described by the Konings in 1995. They are close to the rocky valleys of Lake Malawi, Africa. They are found in five places including Minos reef, Chilucha reef, Metangula, Eagle, and Masinje. Most are collected near the Minos Reef, but some are collected near Meluluca, Mozambique.

This edition is listed on the IUCN red list as Vulnerable (VU). Although littered with Lake Malawi it has a very limited name, found only in five places, no major threats are currently known. Some common names for the fish are Orange Zebra Cichlid, Esther Grant's Zebra, Orange-blue Mouth Breeder, Metriaclima estherae and Pseudotropheus estherae (both scientific names are not used but still in use), and in Mbuna. Common names derived from their color methods include Cherry Red Zebra and newly produced Super Red Zebra.

Like other Mbuna, they are found near rocky cliffs where they feed on aufwuchs. Aufwuchs means a heavy string of string anchored to the rocks. The "loose" aufwuchs contain insect larvae, nymphs, crustaceans, snails, insects and zooplankton.

"What's the deal with 3 scientific terms?"

This question poses a puzzling problem that the scientific community has been working to solve. Today the Maylandia estherae is accepted as a valid name for the Red Zebra, but both the names Metriaclima estherae and Pseudotropheus estherae are used in certain circles.

Here's a quick overview of its design history:

When he first discovered the original name of the Red Zebra it was Pseudotropheus estherae. The genus Pseudotropheus (Regan 1922), consists of a group of closely related fish species described as 'Zebras'.

In 1984 to place the 'Zebras' group of their own, a new name was born, Maylandia. The name of the wheelchair was derived from the name of the famous psychologist, Hans Mayland. But there is a problem with this name because it was said to be inconsistent with the 'Code Rules' of scientific interpretation. The genus name was therefore nomen nudum and therefore invalid. However this has been an ongoing debate.

Then, in 1997 the name Metriaclima was introduced as a fitting title. But this too has had problems. The name change protocol was not followed. There is an "official" channel that must pass the competition and change the name of science. So even if Metriaclima is a descriptive type name, if there is a "disagreement", the rules are that the name goes back to the original name.

  • Today the recent decision is that Maylandia is the brand name for the "valid" malawi cichlids brand.
  • Scientific Name: Maylandia estherae
  • Social Classification: Groups - Males can protect the environment on their own while females, children, and infertile females may live alone or in small groups.
  • IUCN Red List: VU - Vulnerable


Red Zebra have a standard form of Mbuna and although their bodies are stiffer than other zebras, they have a torpedo shape. In nature they will reach about 4 cm (10 cm) long. Occasionally they are large in a domestic aquarium with males reaching approximately 12.5 inches. They can live up to 10 years with proper care.

The color is completely different between men and women. On the old walls are blue with black vertical bands, and have 4-7 egg spots on the anal fin. Females can range from beige brownish to orange-re, lacking in wide vertical barriers and can have egg-free zones for up to three months. This is also one of only a handful of Mbuna species that produce integrated color conversion. In the gym there are several different colors available for men and women in gender of malawi cichlids.

Male color fabrics:

  • kind of "blue"
  • The males of the red "blue" cone are light green with the posterior bars and the eggs 4 - 7 eggs in the anal fin.The young men with blue complexion the females are yellow.
  • weight "red"
  • Males of the "red-red" strain can also be orange / red without standing bars. In the "red-purple" style, the babies are born the same color as the females, and at 2.5 inches, the male will have a light blue ornament from all over his body and forehead.
  • "albino" mass
  • There is some kind of "albino", but in the wild it is rare.

Female Color Flowers:

Females can be yellow, orange, or orange with dark colors. They can have 0 - 3 egg spots on the anal fin that can be seen in both species.

All mbuna cichlids share a common trait with other salty fish such as wrass and parrotfish and that is a well-developed dentistry set in the throat, as well as its regular teeth. Cichlids have spiny rays on the anal, dorsal, pectoral, and pelvic floor parts to help discourage predators. The front part of these spices is soft and ideal for precise positions and movements that no longer work in the water as opposed to fast swimming.

mbuna cichlids have one nose on each side while the other fish have 2 sets. Feeling "smelling" in water, sucking water and pushing the water back after "sampling" for a short or long time, depends on how much the chemical needs to "smell" the water. This feature is shared by salt water and cichlids considered closely related.

  • Fish size - inches: 3.9 inches (10.01 cm) - They find a length of about 4 "(10 cm) in the wild, but can reach about 5" (12.5 cm) in the aquarium.
  • Lifespan: 10 years - They have a life expectancy of up to 10 years with proper care.

Fish Conservation

This is a great fish for all medium and experienced cichlid riders. It is a mild cichlid with modesty, but not a public spray that can be stored with fish without cichlids. Aquarists should be willing to make regular water changes and provide proper tank tires. It is still vulnerable to Malawian outbreaks and general diseases that cause all freshwater fish if the tank is not maintained. In the right setup it will be easier with prepared foods, easier breeding, and babies are easier to raise.

  • Aquarium Hardiness: Hardy in moderation
  • Aquarist Experience Level: Contents

Food and nutrition

The Red Zebra is an omnivore in the wild that feeds on auwfuchs containing small benthic invertebrates and zooplankton. In the aquarium they especially need herbivorous foods because even though they eat little protein in the wild, most of their diet is vegetarian. They will accept anything, but to keep their colors intact, feed the New Life Spectrum, Cyclops, Spirulina, or other high cichlid flakes or small pellets. The identification of shrimp and brine shrimp from time to time is okay.

They will be easily overweight, so be careful not to over-feed. Algae growing in the tank is something they eat, so they add that natural foods are less expensive than getting carnivorous mbuna cichlids. It is always better to feed a little more each day instead of one meal. This keeps the water quality high for a long time. Of course, all fish benefit from the additional vitamins and additives in their diet. Too much protein and fat leads to Malawi Bloat, which is fatal.

  • Food Type: Omnivore
  • Flake Food: Yes
  • Tablet / Pellet: Yes
  • Live foods (fish, shrimps, worms): Other Foods
  • Vegetarian Foods: More Food for Food
  • Eating Meaty: Other Foods
  • Feeding Frequency: Daily - Provide small meals per day, what they can eat for about 3 minutes or less, rather than one single meal.

Aquarium Care

Malawi Cichlids will be destroyed in unfavorable water conditions. Since these are contaminated fish, make 30% water changes per week depending on the bio load and buy a flat surface every 2 weeks. It is also suggested to change the work of the stones around once a month in the case of aggression.

Water Changes: Every Week - About 30% of water changes per week are recommended, depending on the bio load.
Aquarium Setup

The streams into Lake Malawi are rich in minerals. This and evaporation lead to very alkaline mineral water. Lake Malawi is known for its clarity and toughness up to pH and other water chemicals. It's easy to see why it's important to look at tank structures and all of Lake Malawi's fish.

Rift cichlids in the pool require hard alkaline water but are not found in dirty water. Salt is sometimes used as a filter to increase the hardness of carbonate water. This cichlid is salt-tolerant and can therefore be stored in unlimited water conditions. However it is not suitable for a brackish water tank. It can tolerate close to 10% of the normal saltwater tank, with a specific gravity of less than 1.0002.

Tanks 55 liters at least 48 "(122 cm) long, but may be required for a larger tank when mixing cichlids in Mbuna. They work well in clear or short water but require good drainage and high strength and efficient filtration. or sand used for salt water tanks can help keep the pH going up. Gravel is acceptable too. Coral or aragonite sand also tends to dissolve easier than salt. normal water is a must for these fish.

The Red Zebra needs a lot of rock work and shelter. Another open space is appreciated as well. Provide numerous caves and caves for rock formation. This will reduce hostility and give everyone a place to call their own. They like to dig so make sure the rocks stay on the bottom of the aquarium and not on the top floor.

  • Minimum Tank size: 55 gal (208 L) - A 55-meter long tank is at least 48 "(122 cm), and a larger tank is required for the Mbunas mixed group.
  • Ready for Nano Tank: No.
  • Sub-Type: Anywhere
  • Lighting Requirements: Moderate - standard light
  • Temperature: 73.0 to 82.0 ° F (22.8 to 27.8 ° C)
  • Width ph: 7.7-8.6
  • Density Weight: 6 - 10 dGH
  • Brackish: Occasionally - Salt is not found in their natural environment, but they have little tolerance, keep levels below 10% - specific gravity less than 1.0002.
  • Flow: moderate
  • Water District: All - These fish will swim in every aquarium.

Social Behavior

Red Zebra are not considered public fish. They are best kept by groups of one man and one or three women. If excessive putting is used as a way to reduce irritation, care should be taken to make a few water changes per week. They can also be stored with other non-aggressive Cichlids from Mbuna from Malawi that vary in color / texture.

They are a little smaller than other Mbuna, and can be kept with other non-aggressive cichlids. Do not live with Haplochromis, as the Red Zebra, like other Mbunas, are very aggressive to them. Do not include other aspect sizes and sizes, as they will attack and / or move, which is not recommended.

  • Speed: Furious
  • Related to:
  • Similar species - Conspecifics: Yes - are best kept in groups of 1 male and 3 or 3 females. They will not tolerate any other male of the same gender or males of the same color.
  • Peaceful fish (): Threat
  • Semi-Aggressive (): It's safe
  • Aggressive (): Threat
  • Semi-Aggressive Major (): Threat
  • Major Aggressive, Predatory (): Threat
  • Slow Swimmers & Eaters (): Threat
  • Shrimps, Crabs, Snails: Threat - fierce
  • Plants: Threat

Gender differences

The male is light blue with vertical black bands, or reddish orange without bands, both of which have 4-7 eggs in the anal fin. Female yellow, orange or similar with or without black motto on the body and 0-3 egg spots.

Breeding / Breeding

Red Zebra is in exile. Sexual maturity is reached by 3 inches. Get a little 7 gray if the color of the morph you are looking for does not look young.

Feed them 2 times a day to give them fertility. They like a soft tone or slide to lay eggs in a man's place. If your Red Zebras don't wake up, then that usually has the most aggressive fish in the tank. Removing that aggressive fish will promote a relaxing atmosphere and promote explosion.

The female lays from 20 to 30 eggs and then puts them in their mouths before they are fertilized. The male releases his anal, "with egg spot patterling" so the woman mistakenly prints her spots into the male's stem as her eggs and tries to drink them with them. In doing so, he stimulates the male to release sperm (milt cloud) and inhales of the "milt" cloud and deposits eggs in his mouth.

At 14 to 21 days at least 82 F, eggs are formed. Extracted fry can eat dry puff pastry and brine shrimp nauplii. The woman will be a little cautious. As long as you have plenty of hiding places, your children will have an easier time of survival until they grow up.

The pink "pink" skin is born in a female-like color, and the females start to grow blue with their dots at 2.5, pink .. See description of how cichlids breed in White Water Breeding: Cichlids.

  • Easy to Breed: Easy

Fish Diseases

Malawi bloat is a common disease especially if their dietary requirements are not met by quality food. They are prone to common fish diseases, especially when the water is old and low and oxygenation. One common problem is Ich. It can be cured by rising tank temperatures up to 86 ° F (30 ° C) for three days. If that does not cure Ich, the fish needs to be treated with copper (remove any waterproofing material). Several copper fish medicines used in Ich. Copper use should be kept to the correct standards, so be sure to follow the manufacturers' recommendations. Examination of copper can also be used to maintain proper levels. You can combine to raise the temperature with Ich treatments.

Like most fish it can be infected with skin infections and other insect attacks (protozoa, worms, etc.), fungal infections and viral infections. It is recommended that you learn about common tank diseases. Knowing the symptoms and catching and treating them early makes a big difference. For details on invasive aquatic diseases and illness, see Aquarium Fish Diseases and Therapy.


Red Zebras are sometimes found online and are priced at the youth. Sometimes they are also available at fish shops, and can be ordered especially if you are willing to wait for them when their time is up. When you get a Red Zebra, especially since this was one of the first cichlids to be introduced to the hobby and it has been greatly expanded, there is no way to tell exactly what you get unless it comes from a famous retailer.

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